Girder plug-in for MBM

Version 2.1.  MMcM 09/05


This plug-in interfaces to Motherboard Monitor (MBM) via its shared memory.

You must have MBM or newer installed and working for this plug-in to operate. Download it here.


The original download location for this plug-in's installer is here. An archive containing the files for manual installations is here; source is also available here.

These are the files contained in this archive and what purpose they serve.


  • The names of the events are the names of the sensors in MBM.
  • A sensor generates an event only if it has a hardware sensor attached and it is displayed on the dashboard.
  • Terms

    This plug-in is released as open source under The MIT License. You use it at your own risk. See license.txt for details.


    To report problems or make suggestions, post a message to the Girder forum, rather than sending email directly.